Friday, December 25, 2009


We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas Day
Love from Michelle, Ben, Jock & Miranda

Some Christmas Day Snaps

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas came early this year

Mum, Miranda & I headed to Gundi to celebrate Christmas a little early. Jock & Niamh had fun riding their bikes before lunch Present giving and present receiving time

We took the pool after lunch to cool off and expend some energy

Santa came to our friends playgroup and Miranda received a bath toy while Jock received some cars

Dad and his little angelSanta came early to our playgroup breakup; Jock unwrapped a lovely nativity book

Mum's Wise Man and little Angel, ready for the music breakup

The Angel is interested in the wise man's gold and yes that is a horse (the closest thing Mum could find to a camel!)

Jock & Ben preparing the tree for 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Growing Up

Dad went to Chile and Peru and came back with these beaniesMa and her grandkids
Miranda hangin' with the boys

Thomas pulling Jock at the Ipswich Railworks Museum

Lunch at Ma's

I'll smile for the camera, as long as I can have a go of that milk of yours Grandad!
Thanks for making my dress Ma, the teddy ribbon is really cute
Bright as a button

My first term swimming

A photo with Ma