Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Out to Dinner

Charlie & I are not quite big enough to sit on 'big people' chairs, so we were put at the end of the table in these funny white chairs that strapped us in. I'm so glad Charlie is not a big person and could keep me company. Dad also kept good company during the evening and must have been having a very intense conversation with the two of us according to this next photo...
Uncle Roger was copying us at poking tongues, what a shame that Mum didn't click the camera at the right time and get all of us sticking our tongues out!
It was my Great Nan's and Great, Great Aunt's last night with us so we went to tea at Hog's Breath. I got to have some curly fries (I wasn't really fussed on the carrot that Dad gave me and I put on such a turn that he gave in and passed over the chippies)
Once I was out of my chair it was a struggle to get me back in - I just wanted to have cuddles with everyone

Monday, February 18, 2008


Dad helped build a few sand castles for me at the beach My friend Jack would have loved to join me but he's a bit too little yet
I'm starting to be surrounded
Now I am surrounded... Escaping...


This is where all little pirates should be - at the beach! We went to Tweed Heads for my first beach encounter with Mum & Dad
My friend Sophie loved the waves, but I was a bit unsure of their noise
It was a bit scary