Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Last Week

Do you know what makes me really really happy; even when I'm really really cranky? A mirror! And I can find them all over the house; the bathroom, the bedroom and the kitchen! Although I found out the other day that the kitchen mirror can get very hot sometimes! Rob came to visit us the other week and we made him have a photo with me; he wasn't much for it at all!
My friend Riley came to visit me today. Our Mums have gone a bit crazy I think; Riley and I sat in our prams while they pushed us around the park and then after that, they were doing really funny things, I think they call them push ups and pram squats.
Here I am doing my most favourite of all activities - standing! I keep hearing Mum say that it's driving her crazy. I'm not sure why, I just like to stand and hold stuff - whether it be her legs while she's in the kitchen trying to get my dinner, the iron cord that moves so much when she is ironing, the coffee table that has really sharp corners, the dining chairs (mind you they're really low and I always seem to bump my head on them) - pretty much anything as you can tell

Fun in the Sun

Some friends came to visit me on Australia Day and a few of us had a swim in Aunty Kim's pool. My friend Riley's Aunt Lisa supervised us and made sure that we all got our turn in the pool. I really liked the look of the slippery slide, so Dad gave me a helping hand to get up and down it
Here I go....
And again?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Time

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and shared this special time with family & friends, just like us - we were fortunate enough to have some very special relatives from WA join us on the east coast for the festive season

It was my first Christmas this year and I sure am looking forward to more days like this - presents, presents, presents!

What did you get for Christmas Charlie? Is it a jingle stick? Can I have a turn?.....


What's in there Dad? Is it my present from Aunty Julie, Uncle Mark & Cousin Niamh?

It sure is Jock, but I think you'll have to take a back seat until you get your learners permit!

Here I am with Cousin Thomas checking out all our pressies!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Here I go.... Did you get that?
I'll show you again....
What do ya think?