Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Baby Dunlop to Three Weeks Young

Finally I make it to outside! Mum & I left the hospital after a four night stay. While Mum found it refreshing to be outside again, the cold weather had us back in the warmth after not too long. The last three weeks have been an experience to say the least! Mum & Dad have established a 'sort of' routine and are really pleased that I only wake once during the night for feeding.

I enjoy my bath most nights, as long as the room is not too cold. On those awful Toowoomba nights I don't find having my clothes and blankets stripped off me all that enjoyable.

My first outing was with Aunty Kim & Mum. Mum had a lovely massage while Aunty Kim wheeled me around the shops in my pram. Boy am I glad Aunty Kim was there - Mum had no idea how to work the pram or the car seat!

It has been lots of fun hanging out with Dad as you can see in these photos - the first one is of us checking out Ebay and the second shows you Dad's hair styling skills!