Monday, December 31, 2007

The Three M's


I had my hands and feet painted for my Baby Book - it was so much fun! Well this sitting was not too messy since Mum was in charge, but I'll try and find another picture to post of me feeding myself

Here we go, this is more like it - trust me, I can do it myself Mum & Dad!!


I can make my way to my toy basket now and pick out the toys that I want to play with

This is now my favourite position - I love being up high, it's so much fun

Here I am on Uncle Aaron's motor bike with Dad - I can hardly wait til I can ride it for real


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Meeting Friends

Em & Storm are so keen to help Mum out with any chores that involve me - here I am being fed by the two of them!!
I went and inpected Aaron & Heather's new house - it's awesome! I cannot wait til I have my first sleepover

Here I am meeting Sophie under Sharon's supervision. Sophie is 10 months older than me and I went to her First Birthday Party not too long ago

Here I am meeting Riley and his parents Steve and Amy. Riley is four months older than me and was so excited to visit me.

Here I am meeting Gretel and her mum Jen - while our Mums wanted us to meet each other, we were not all that interested at the time!

Here I am meeting Carrie-Ann and her soon to be born first child. Carrie-Ann had a little boy called Jack on the 20th September and hopefully we'll be best of friends

Here's me with Angela, we were on our way out for lunch (my first of many luncheons with all the girls!)

Winter Days & Fathers Day

Here I am all dressed up in the snow suit Ma & Grandad Power bought me for a typical Toowoomba Winter Day. It is so warm and soft
I can be a bit of a thumb sucker when it comes close to bed or feed time (My Mum hates hearing everyone's opinions on dummy's vs thumbs and is just glad that I'm quiet!)

Here I am with Dad on our first Father's Day together. I'm in my little rocker outfit that Great Uncle Phil & Great Aunty Kathy helped purchase for me

Here's one of me and my Dad in our bluey's!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Meeting the Grandparents

Here I am with Ma and Grandad Power, I was about four weeks young

Here I am with Ma and Pa Dunlop when they visited me in hospital, I was only two days young

Here's some of me with my Grandad's................

................. And here's some of me with my Ma's:

And here I am doing two of just some of my favourite things (sleeping and cuddling):

Friday, August 17, 2007

Meeting Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

Here I am with Uncle Matthew, I was 9 weeks

Here's me with Uncle Martin, I was four days old

Here I am with Uncle Roger, I was 8 weeks old

Here I am sleeping while cousin Charlie checks me out to see what competition he is up against, us being four months apart and all.

Here I am with cousin Thomas - he is as besotted with me as I am with him and he loves saying my name over and over and over!

Here I am with Aunty Kim: the first one is when she visited me in hospital and the second one is of me fast asleep in the baby carrier

Here I am with Aunty Neridah when she visited me in hospital, I was two days old here.

Here's one of me with my Dad and Aunty Julie - I loved the bath that Aunty Julie gave me!

Here I am with Uncle Mark, Aunty Julie and cousin Niamh - I was four days old

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Baby Dunlop to Three Weeks Young

Finally I make it to outside! Mum & I left the hospital after a four night stay. While Mum found it refreshing to be outside again, the cold weather had us back in the warmth after not too long. The last three weeks have been an experience to say the least! Mum & Dad have established a 'sort of' routine and are really pleased that I only wake once during the night for feeding.

I enjoy my bath most nights, as long as the room is not too cold. On those awful Toowoomba nights I don't find having my clothes and blankets stripped off me all that enjoyable.

My first outing was with Aunty Kim & Mum. Mum had a lovely massage while Aunty Kim wheeled me around the shops in my pram. Boy am I glad Aunty Kim was there - Mum had no idea how to work the pram or the car seat!

It has been lots of fun hanging out with Dad as you can see in these photos - the first one is of us checking out Ebay and the second shows you Dad's hair styling skills!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I have arrived!

Hi All. I have finally arrived, even if it was four days late - Mum insists I take after my Dad in that respect!! My name is Jock Weary Dunlop and I was born at 11:41am on Wednesday 20th June 2007 weighing in at 7lb14oz. Jock is a mainly Scottish form of the first name Jack (a form of John). We have Scottish descendents on my Grandma and Grandad Power's side and John or Jack was the nickname of both my Great Grandfathers on my Grandma and Grandad Dunlop's side. For those of you unsure of where "Weary" comes from, Sir Edward "Weary" Dunlop was a surgeon in the Australian Army during World War Two. Weary served in the Middle East and is legendary for his care of soldiers taken prisoner by the Japanese. His name and deeds are associated with compassion, courage, steadfastness and hope. When Mum is a bit more organised she will post some more photos of me for you!